User management screen [User mng.]The users and personal computers (IP addresses) that can access theunit from personal computers and mobile terminals are registered in theUser management screen [User mng.].The User management screen [User mng.] consists of [User auth.] and[Host auth.]. User authentication screen [User auth.]Click the [User auth.] of User management screen [User mng.].Configure the user authentication settings for the personal computersand mobile terminals that can access the unit.Up to 24 users can be registered.• If user authentication fails more than 8 times within a 30-second periodfrom the same IP address (personal computer), access to the unit willbe disabled for a certain period.z Setting statusThe current user authentication settings and user authentication methodare displayed. The currently registered account information is alsodisplayed.z Mode.User auth. [On, Off]User authentication is set to [On] or [Off] here.The setting is confirmed with the [Set] button.Factory settings: OffAuthentication[Basic, Digest]Specify the method of user authentication to use.The setting is confirmed with the [Set] button.Basic Use basic authentication.Digest Use digest authentication.Factory settings: Digestz Add user.User name[1 to 32 characters]The user name is input here.The setting is confirmed with the [Set] button.• The following characters can be displayed.Numeric characters 0123456789Alphabetical characters (upperand lower cases)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzSymbols ! # $ % ´ ( ) * + , - . / = ? @ [ ] ^ _ ` { } ˜PasswordRetype password[4 to 32 characters]The password is input here.The setting is confirmed with the [Set] button.Access level [1.Administrator, 2.Camera control]Select the user access level.The setting is confirmed with the [Set] button.1.Administrator This access level allows the user to perform allthe unit’s operations.2.Camera control This access level allows only live screen [Live]operations to be performed.Factory settings: 1.Administratorz Delete user.Delete the user accounts registered in the unit.You can delete selected users by clicking the [Delete] button at the right.113Web screen configurations (continued)