Symptom Cause and solution Reference pagesThe settings on the web settingscreen [Setup] are not updated ordisplayed properlyFor Windows:• Press the [F5] key on the keyboard of the personal computer to request that thesettings be acquired.For Mac:• Press the [Command] + [R] key on the personal computer's keyboard to requestthat the settings be acquired.– – –• Perform the following to delete the temporary Internet files.For Windows:A Select [Tools] - [Internet Options] in Internet Explorer.B Click the [General] tab, and click the [Delete] button under [Browsing history].C In the [Delete Browsing History] dialog box, select the [Temporary Internet files andwebsite files] checkbox, and then click [Delete].D Click the [OK] button.For Mac:A Select [Develop] - [Empty Cache] in Safari.B Click [Empty] in the [Are you sure you want to empty the cache?] pop-up screen.– – –For Windows:• If [Check for newer versions of stored pages] is not set to [Every time I visit thewebpage] in the temporary Internet file settings, the web setup screen may notappear.→ Perform the following.A Select [Tools] - [Internet Options] in Internet Explorer.B Click the [General] tab, and click the [Settings] button under [Browsing history].C In the [Temporary Internet Files] dialog box, select the [Every time I visit thewebpage] option under [Check for newer versions of stored pages].D Click the [OK] button.– – –• The unit’s ports may be filtered by the firewall or other function of the anti-virussoftware.→ Change the HTTP port number of the unit to a port number that will not be filtered.– – –It is not possible to download thesetting filesFor Windows:• Has the file download function been disabled?→ Perform the following.A Select [Tools] - [Internet Options] in Internet Explorer.B Click the [Security] tab, and click the [Custom level] button under [Security levelfor this zone].C In the [Security Settings] dialog box, select the [Enable] option for [Filedownload].D Click the [OK] button.E Click the [OK] button.– – –The tally lamps do not light• Is the [Tally] setting set to [Disable]?→ If [Tally] is set to [Disable], the unit's tally lamp does not light. Change the setting to[Enable].page 60, page 90141Troubleshooting (continued)