28RQT9431PAUSESTOPSLOW/SEARCHPAGECHAVTVDRIVESELECTVOLSKIPPLAY/x1.3SELECTINPUTDEL 0987654321 abc defjklghi mnotuvqrsp xyzwTIME SLIPSTATUSREC MODEREC EXT LINKCREATECHAPTERGUIDERETURNBACK/DIRECT TV RECEXITOKOPTIONDIRECTNAVIGATORFUNCTIONMENUCHMANUAL SKIPTimer Recording Using the TV Guide (freesat) HDDVarious function with freesatThis unit has a function that enables timer recordings to be controlled by thesignal sent from the broadcaster. “Guide Link”, “Series recording” (➔ 40), and“Split Programme” are available.“Guide Link” — If you set a timer recording from the TV Guide, the recording’sstart and stop times can be controlled by the broadcaster, e.g. delayed start.This is indicated by “Guide Link” in the Timer Recording screen in step (➔ 29).“Series Timer Recording” — You can record all the episodes of a series bysetting just one timer recording (➔ 40).“Split Programme” — If a programme is separated into 2 or more parts bysome other programmes e.g. news, this unit pauses recording during the gap.This is indicated by “Split” in the Timer Recording screen in step (➔ 29).When setting timer from the 1st split programme, other parts of the programmewill be automatically set and indicated by the timer icon on the TV Guide, but notshown on the timer recording list.If the signal is not sent correctly, the recording may lack the beginning orthe ending part of the programmes.In order to make the timer recording work successfully, we recommendyou set the start time earlier and the end time later by some minutes, up toa maximum of 10 minutes for Guide Link to function.e.g. When you set the timer recording for a programme that will start at10:00 and end at 11:00, set “9:58” and “11:05” in step (➔ 29).These functions are available for freesat channels only. Use “Manual timerrecording” (➔ 39) to timer record Other Sat. channels.This operation will only record to HDD in DR mode.Preparation:Turn on the television and select the video input terminal that this unit isconnected to.Turn on this unit.Confirm that the clock on the unit’s display is set to the correct time.•••a few times and select “freesat”,thenOKRETURNAll ChannelsEntertainmentNews & SportMoviesLifestyleMusicChildrenSpecial InterestRadioShoppingGaming & DatingRegionalFavouritesChannel Genre SelectionThe channel genre selectionscreen appears.e, r, w, q to select thedesired genre, thenThe TV Guide list appears.–Landscape WED 19 08/2009 13:30TV Gu de:WED 19th12:00 20:00 BBC HD PreviewA l ChannelsA l TypesTime: 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00108 BBC HD BBC HD PreviewRed CapLove USA100 Sheep DreamHeartbeat 100 Sheep DreamUFO Hot Wave Used CarBeh nd me Black House Crowntown DealUSO B ue Waven theGreat ANews Show News ShowRed Cap Red Cap113 ITV2114 ITV2+1115 ITV3116 ITV3+1117 ITV4120 Channel4HDRETURNOKSele t P ogrammeSele t Channel+24 hours Prog Type Channel GenrePage UpPage DownPortrai /LandscapeInfo CHGUIDEe, r, w, q to select the desired programme,thenTo jump back 24 hours, press the “Red” button.You can only jump back to the current date and past informationcannot be viewed.To jump ahead 24 hours, press the “Green” button to jump aheadby one day.To display channels sorted in prog. type, press the “Yellow” button.To display channels sorted in channel genre, press the “Blue” button.–––––TipsTo check programmes for which youset the timer recording (➔ 41)To cancel a timer recordingprogrammingTimer icon1. Press [e, r, w, q] to select theprogramme (the timer icon is displayed),then press [OK].2. While “Delete” is selected, press [OK].3. Press [w, q] to select “Yes”, then press[OK].– The timer icon disappears.To cancel a series timer recordingprogramme (➔ 40, Series recording)