71RQT9431Still pictures operationCopy to AlbumÚHDD RAMCopy the selected album, date or pictures to an existing album.1 Press [w, q] to select “Start”, then [OK].2 Press [e, r, w, q] to select the destination album, then [OK].y The destination album with protect setting cannot be copied to.y After copying, the screen shows the Album View automatically.Copy to New AlbumÚHDD RAMCopy the selected album, date or pictures to new album.1 Press [w, q] to select “Start”, then [OK].2 Press [OK].3 Press [w, q] to select “Yes” or “No”, then [OK].y If “Yes” is selected:You can give a name to the album. (➔ 82, Entering Text)y If “No” is selected:Date of the first recorded picture in the album becomes the album name automatically. (Ifthere is no information about the recording date, it will become “--.--.----”.)y After copying, the screen shows the Album View automatically.Copy to DVD-RAMHDDCopy to HDDRAMPress [w, q] to select “Start”, then [OK].y If you carry out the “Copy to DVD-RAM”, insert a disc advance.Change DateÚHDD RAM(Pictures by Date only)Change the date of a folder and move the picture in it into the folder of the changed date.1 Press [w, q] to select the item, then [e, r] to change.2 Press [OK].y You can also change the date of a picture.y Date folder of the original is maintained even if all original pictures were deleted afterchanging the date of folder. Delete it if unrequired.y If there is no folder with the changed date, a new folder will be created.Enter Album NameHDD RAM SD(Album View only)You can give a name to the a bum.(➔ 82, Entering Text)y Album names input using this unit may not be displayed on other equipment.Set up ProtectionÚCancel ProtectionÚHDD RAM SD[Album View and Picture (JPEG) View only]If set, this will protect the still picture or album from accidental deletion.Press [w, q] to select “Yes”, then [OK].The lock symbol appears when the still picture or album is protected.y Even if the protection setting is used by this unit to protect an album, the album may bedeleted by another unit.DeleteÚDelete AlbumÚDelete PicturesÚHDD RAM SDPress [w, q] to select “Delete”, then [OK].y Once deleted, the recorded contents are lost and cannot be restored. Make certain beforeproceeding.y RAM SD If there is a file other than DCF format or other folder exists in the date or a bum,only the pictures will be deleted, and the date or the album itself will not be deleted.Ú Multiple editing is possible.[Copy to A bum, Copy to New Album, Change Date : Only when the “Picture (JPEG) View” screen is displayed]NotesTimer recordings do not start when performing “Copy to A bum”, “Copy to New Album”, “Change Date”, “Copy to DVD-RAM” or “Copy to HDD”.•Still Picture