Logical Installation106 Installation ManualThe port number can also be scrolled up and down with the scrolling arrows located to the rightof the field.H.245 start port numberType the number of the port on which the H.245 signalling will be initiated.The default port number is 1721. From 4 to 65521 can be specified except FTP(20,21),telnet(23) ports.The port number can also be scrolled up and down with the scrolling arrows located to the rightof the field.RTP start port numberType the number of the port on which RTP/RTCP signalling will be initiated.The default port number is 5004. From 4 to 65516 can be specified except SNMP(161),RAS(1718,1719).The port number can also be scrolled up and down with the scrolling arrows located to the rightof the field.T.38 start port numberType the number of the port on which T.38 signalling will be initiated.The default port number is 5012. From 4 to 65521 can be specified except FTP(20,21),telnet(23) ports.The port number can also be scrolled up and down with the scrolling arrows located to the rightof the field.UDP Port No. Supplementary serviceA port used to transfer QSIG signals in an IP network when they are received, using the QSIGconnectionless supplementary service.The default port number is 5003. From 4 to 65524 can be specified except FTP (20, 21), telnet(23) ports.When using this type of port, it will be necessary to unify it within the network.The port number can also be scrolled up and down with the scrolling arrows located to the rightof the field.Connect time to establishType the time (seconds) that will be allowed for call signalling to be established.The range of acceptable values include from 1 to 99 seconds. The default value is 30 seconds.The Time value can also be scrolled up and down with the scrolling arrows located to the rightof the field.Restore defaultsClick on the Restore defaults button to return the values for all fields to their default condition.