Appendices158 Installation ManualConfiguration File UploadUse the following procedure to upload a DNS.DAT or OFDD.VHO file to the KX-TDA0480using an FTP session.1. To access the OFDD.VHO file directory type following command at the FTP prompt andpress the Enter key.ftp> cd VHUB/OFD250 CWD command successful.2. At the FTP prompt, type the PUT command and press the Enter key to write theOFDD.VHO file to the KX-TDA0480.ftp> put OFDD.VHO OFDD.VHO200 PORT command successful.150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for OFDD.VHO.226 Transfer complete.4236 bytes sent in 0.00 seconds (4236000.00Kbytes/sec)3. At the FTP prompt, type the CD command to return to the KX-TDA0480's root directory.ftp> cd ..The FTP terminal displays a confirmation of the directory change.250 CWD command successful.4. To access the DNS.DAT file directory type following command at the FTP prompt and pressthe Enter key.ftp> cd ETCThe FTP terminal displays a confirmation of the directory change.250 CWD command successful.5. At the FTP prompt, type the PUT command and press the Enter key to write the DNS.DATfile to the KX-TDA0480.ftp> put DNS.DAT DNS.DAT200 PORT command successful.150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for DNS.DAT.226 Transfer complete.62 bytes sent in 0.00 seconds (62000.00Kbytes/sec)