199SQW0547Shutter and Drive SettingsSetting the Shutter TypeRecording mode:You can take pictures using two types of shutter modes: the mechanical shutter andelectronic shutter.Mechanical shutter Electronic shutterDescriptionStarts the exposure electronicallyand ends the exposure using themechanical shutter.Starts and ends the exposureelectronically.Flash ○ –Shutter Speed(seconds)ZS100T (Time)*1,60 - 1/2000ZS1001 - 1/16000ZS604*2 - 1/2000ZS601*2 - 1/16000Shutter soundMechanical shutter sound*3+Electronic shutter sound*4Electronic shutter sound*4*1 This setting is available only in Manual Exposure Mode. (→103)*2 Varies depending on the setting of ISO sensitivity. (→179)*3 You cannot turn off the mechanical shutter sound.*4 You can use [Shutter Vol.] and [Shutter Tone] to adjust the volume of the electronic shutter sound.(→78)1 Set the menu→ [Rec] → [Shutter Type][AUTO]The shutter mode automatically switches based on the recording conditionsand shutter speed.• The mechanical shutter mode has higher priority over the electronicshutter mode because the mechanical shutter has less function-relatedrestrictions when recording with a flash, etc.[MSHTR] Uses only the mechanical shutter mode to take a picture.[ESHTR] Uses only the electronic shutter mode to take a picture.