Advanced (Playback)77VQT1B86∫ Multi setting1 Press 2/1 to select the picture andthen press 4 to SET/CANCEL.• Repeat this step.2 Press [MENU/SET].• After performing step 2, perform step 2onwards in “Single setting”.• When you print pictures stamped withthe date stamp, the date will be printedover the stamped date if you set dateprinting at the photo printing store oron the printer.• We recommend setting date stamp whenthere is plenty of space on the built-inmemory or the card.• You can set up to 50 pictures at one timein [MULTI].• If you select [YES] in step 4 when thepictures selected in [MULTI] includeprotected pictures, the message appearsand only the protected pictures cannot bestamped with date stamp.• Depending on the printer being used,some characters may be cut at printing.Check before printing.• You cannot use the following functions ifthe date information has been stamped onthe picture.– [DATE STAMP]– The [PRINT WITH DATE] setting forDPOF print– [RESIZE]– [TRIMMING]– [ASPECT CONV.]Press [ ] to display the [PLAY] modemenu and select the item to set. (P72)DPOF “Digital Print Order Format” is asystem that allows the user to select whichpictures to print, how many copies of eachpicture to print and whether or not to printthe recording date on the pictures whenusing a DPOF compatible photo printer orphoto printing store. For details, ask at yourphoto printing store.When you want to use a photo printingstore to print pictures recorded on thebuilt-in memory, copy them to a card (P83)and then set the DPOF setting.For more information visit: 3/4 to select [SINGLE],[MULTI] or [CANCEL] and thenpress [MENU/SET].• You cannot select [CANCEL] if thereare no prints that have been set in theDPOF print settings.[SET] The [DATE STAMP] icon Aappears.[CANCEL] The [DATE STAMP] icon Adisappears.1/ 1410:00 DEC. 1.2007 2007/12/01DATE STAMPSET/CANCELSELECTSET7 9811 1210MENUCANCEL[DPOF PRINT]Setting the picture to print and thenumber of prints/SETMENU/SETMENUPLAY 2/3SELECTRESIZETRIMMINGAUDIO DUB.SINGLEMULTICANCELSET MENUPROTECTDPOF PRINT