Camera Mode-55-Picture Effect FunctionsThis Movie Camera is equipped with PictureEffect Functions that add special effects to thescene.Picture Effects (With [PIC.E.] Button)1) Wipe Mode [WIPE]2) Mix Mode [MIX]3) Strobe Mode [STROBE]≥It records images with a stroboscopiceffect.4) Gain-up Mode [GAINUP]≥It brightens images electronically.≥Adjust focus manually when using thismode. (-54-)5) Trailing Effect Mode [TRACER]≥It records images with a trailing effect.6) Mosaic Mode [MOSAIC]≥It produces a mosaic-like image.7) Mirror Mode [MIRROR]≥The right half of an image becomes amirror image of the left half.To Select a Desired Picture Effect1 Press the [PIC.E.] Button (17) until adesired effect appears.To Cancel the Picture EffectPress the [PIC.E.] Button (17) until the Pictureeffect disappeared.Picture Effects (From [P.EFFECT] Menu)1) Negative Mode [NEGA]≥The colours of the recorded image areinverted as seen in a negative.2) Sepia Mode [SEPIA]≥It records a scene with a brownish tint, likethe colour of old pictures.3) Black & White Mode [B/W]≥It records an image in black and white.4) Solarisation Mode [SOLARI]1) WIPE 3) STROBE4) GAINUP2) MIX5) TRACER6) MOSAIC 7) MIRRORPIC.E.(17)1) NEGA 2) SEPIA3) B/W 4) SOLARI≥It records an image with a painting-likeeffect.To Select a Desired Picture Effect1 Set [CAMERA FUNCTIONS] >>[CAMERA SETUP] >> [P.EFFECT] >> adesired Picture Effect.≥If the Movie Camera is turned off, this settingis cancelled.To Cancel the Picture EffectSet [CAMERA FUNCTIONS] >>[CAMERA SETUP] >> [P.EFFECT] >> [OFF].≥For other notes concerning this item, see -65-.MENUW.B/SHUTTER/IRISPUSHVOL/JOG(14)(18)