INF-55SECTION 1 SERVICE INFORMATION < RZ31K/RS30K>■ DIGITAL LINK input check■ SDI1 input checkDIGITAL LINK software version is displayed on the SELFCHECK screen.NG ACheck if the voltage [3.3V] is on L2005, [1.8V] on L2008and [1.0V] on L2011, check X2001, C2004, IC2002,IC2003, IC2001 and peripheral circuit.Check the DIGITAL LINK status of [DIGITAL LINK STATUS]menu.[SIGNAL QUALITY]Green (-12 dB or lower) or Yellow (-11 dB ~ -8dB)NGA Check between JK2001 and IC2001, check X2001,IC2002, IC2003 and peripheral circuit.Is [DIGITAL LINK MODE] of the setup menu [AUTO] or [DIGITALLINK]?NG A Set [AUTO] or [DIGITAL LINK]. with user menuHDMI signal can be displayed. NG A Check IC3010 and peripheral circuit.A Check the voltage is less than [0.4V] at pin 7 of IC3072. NG A Check IC3072 and peripheral circuit.Check power supply lines.IC3059-1 pin : 3.3V, IC3351-5pin : 1.2VNG A Check IC3059, IC3351 and peripheral circuit.A Check R3411(G9), R3406(CLK), R3416(HS, VS). NG Follow the section "A-P.C.Board operation check"ACheck clock frequency at R3444.In case of 3G-SDI signal : 148.5MHzIn case of HD-SDI signal : 74.25MHzNG A Check IC3058 and peripheral circuit.Check between IC2001 and IC3010, check IC2001, IC3010 andperipheral circuit.A Check IC3058 and peripheral circuit.OKOKOKOKOKOKOKOK