Small-Display PhonesSmall-displayphones,suchasthe modelillustratedbelow,havea smallerdisnlavthan some other models. The annotatedillustrationin F@reWlandTable1 on page3 explainthefeaturesthat aretypical of this type of phone.Figui 1. Small-displuy 1I 4 re.Appendix. Dial Code LlstFunction I)ial Code -FFKeyLeastCostRouting AccessMeet-Me AnswerMessageWaiting SetMessageWaiting AnswerMessageWaiting CancelMute Key AssignmentNightModeToggleOn/OffDay ModeNight ModeNight2 ModeOffhook Voice Announce1Dffhook Voice AnnounceAnswer(Talkback)1IPageCallIPersonalSpeedDialIPooledTrunk AccessIPrivacyRelease1RedialIReleaseKey Assignment,StationLockout Off/Onn -. n. t htmlSystem3peeuula9 Yes77 Yes2 YesNote: You canassignthis fea-ture asan “Any Key.” See“Any Key Assignment”onpage61.AUTO - REDIAL YesAUTO - FLASH Yes*L# Yes#52 or #I520(somesystems) Yes(attendantonly)#521 (somesystems) YW(attendantonly)#522 (somesyslems) Yes(attendantonly)#523 (somesystems) Yes(attendantonly)5 YesNote: You canassiguthis fea-ture as mill“Any Key.” See“Any Key Assignmeut”onpage61.*3 (must be storedin anFP Yeskey)#uo - #07 YesAUTO (90-99or 900-939) Yes9 or 8 l-86 YesCONF NoREDIAL No+2 Yes74 + 4-di$t lockout Yescode(optlonal)I . r-3 . ,,l,, on ^- ,,,m , no,AU IV t [WV-o7 "I ""v-177, , vms‘CD