Picking Up Calls-2. Do one of the following:,To answer.. . Do Chefollowing . . .A call ringing at Pressthe flashingFF key.‘someone else’s phoneAn extension in your Dial 70.paging group* Note: Calls are answeredin the fol-lowing priority order:l Page calll Internal calll Outside line.To answer various types of calls, use the following procedures.1. Pick up the handsetor press ON/OFF.An extension outsideyour paging group* a. Dial 79.b. Dial the number of the ringingextension.After-hours calls ring-ing over a paging,speakeror nigl$answer devicea. Pick up the handsetor press ON/OFF.b. Dial 78.* The DBS allows extensionsto be grouped into paging groups.‘Whenyou issue a page, you can specify the paging group, sothat your announcementis heard only on the phonesthat aremembers of that group, Paging groups often include peoplewhose work is related. (See “Paging” on page 36.)# Some offices have after-hours calls ring on a central bell(often called a “universal night answer” device) or over apaging system using an external speaker. Dialing “78” allowsyou to answer these after-hours calls.30 4. Answering Calls .5. Communicating Within YourOfficeThe DBS provides a variety of featuresfor handling callswithin your office.This chapter covers the followirig topics:5. Communicating Within Your Office