Using Account Codes.lbble 4. DBS accoun: code usageAccountCodeTypeVoluntaryUnverified.L._ForcedUnverifiedForcedVerifiedDescriptionAccount codes of up to 10digits can be used onaavolun-varybasis.Account codescan beassignedbefore or during out-going calls or during incom-ing calls.Account codes of up to 10digits must be entered beforedialing an outgoing call.Note: When using ForcedUnverified Account Codes.Voluntary UnverifiedAccount Codes can beenteredduring incomingcalls.Preassignedaccount codes ofup to 4 digits must be enteredb$ore dialing an outgoing.Forced Verified Accountcodes are also associatedwithextension dialing privileges.For example, the Forced Veri-fied Account Code “1111”could be associatedwill1 call-ing privileges that allow long-distance and internationalcalls.Note: When using ForcedUnverified Account Codes.Voluntary UnverifiedAccount Codes can beentered during incomingcalls.UsesTo voluntarilyassign accountinformation for spe-cific calls.To assignmandatory accountinformation for spe-cific calls.To assignmandatory accountinformalion for spe-cific calls.To use your exten-sion’s calling privi-leges from anotherextension.Using Message WaitingUsing Camp-onNote: This feature requires system programming or a specificDBS configuration, and may not be available. For information,seeyour system administrator or DBS dealer.The camp-on feature alerts you when a busy extension is free.1. Pick up the handsetor press ON/OFF.2. Dial Ule extension number.3. When you hear a busy tone, press 3.4. When you hear a ringing tone, replace the handsetor pressON/OFF.Your extension rings when the busy extension becomesfree.Using Message WaitingThis feature allows you to leave auolher extension a messagerequesting a return call.Sending a Message Waiting Request1. Pick up the handsetor press ON/OFF.2. Dial the extension number.3. Press 2.4. Press ON/OFF.Note: If you do not hear a dial tone after dialing 2, the messagecannot be accepted. No more thau four messagescan be sent toan extension._ 5. Communicatina Within Your Office 41