Using Account Codes Using Call Waitin.Using Forced Verified Account CodesIf your system is set up to use Forced Verified Account Codes,you must enter a valid account code before dialing an outsidenumber.1. Pick up the handset or pregsON/OFF.__2. Dial #Ill..e3. Dial your account code.4. Press #.5. Access an outside line and dial the phone number.Assigning Unverified Codes to PSD NumbersYou can store Unverified Account Codesunder Personal SpeedDial Numbers. However, you can only use the PSD number todial an accountcode before a call. You canndt use the PSD todial an account code during a call.I. Pick up the handsetor press ON/OFF.2. PressPROG.3. Press a one-touch key.4. Dial #7.5. Dial the account code.6. Press #.7. Press HOLD:8. Replace the handset or press ON/OFF.Using Call WaitingCall waiting allows you to send a tone and an optional textmessageto a busy extension.Note: This feature requires system programming or a specificDBS configuration, and may not be available. For informationseeyour system administrator or DBS dealer.Setting Up Call Waiting1. Pick up the handsetor press ON/OFF.2. Dial the extension number.3. When you hear a busy tone, press 3. ,4. If you want to send a text messagewith call waiting(optional), press one of the following:l 5 = Visitor Herel 6 = Need Helpl 7 = Importantl 8 = Urgentl 9 = Emergency.5. To wait for the called extension to answer, remain on thephone. To “camp-on” to the extension, hang up. Whentheextension becomes free, it will automatically call yournumber.Notes:. If call waiting is accepted,the busy tone changesto aringing tone.. You carmot send a call waiting messageto at1extensionthat has an Absence Messageor Do-Not-Disturbregistered.6 fhmmtmicatinn Within Your Office :