41ExampleAlarm InputOTC : +MSU : 1DCR : G1Down the cursor in SETUPDCR : A1Move the + sign to rightfor ZoomingOST : 00005 : 1CH #5 will be stilled.OST : ccccc : mEvery segment in amultiscreen will be stilled.Multiscreen Pattern Select OTC : + 4-segment, 9-segment or 16-segment toggles.Setup MSU : n m = 0 : End Setupm = 1 : Begin SetupCursor Movement andParameter SelectDCR : nn “nn” denotes as follows.nn = A1 Move the cursor to Rightnn = C1 Move the cursor Upwardnn = E1 Move the cursor to Leftnn = G1 Move the cursor Downwardnn = +1 Select parameter (+)nn = –1 Select parameter (–)nn = PD (Divide into the submenu by SETbutton.)nn = PU (Return to upper menu byMENU/ESC button.)Alarm Recovery OAL : n OAL : 0 “n” denotes ALARM indicator status after recov-ery as follows.nn = 0 Turns OFFnn = 1 Turns ONStill OST : ccccc : m “cccc” expresses individual camera channel orall camera channels in a multiscreen.ccccc = 00001 to 00128 For individualccccc = 00000 For all in a multiscreen“m” denotes display mode selection.m = 0: STILL OFFm = 1: STILL ONItem Format Note/ParameterNote: Take a break for at least 270 ms (equivalent to 16 V Sync) from one transmission to the next especially when sending commands con-secutively.(Send 1) 5 channel: Alarm mode[sfx]ADOOA; ALM:[OF][OF][OF][OF][B7][OF][efx](Response) None5ch: Alarm modeb1 b2 b3 a1 a2 a3 a40Fh 0Fh 0Fh 0Fh 87h 0Fh 0Fh5ch, 15ch, 16ch: Alarm modeb1 b2 b3 a1 a2 a3 a40Fh 0Fh 0Fh 0Fh 87h 0Fh 3ch17ch: Alarm modeb1 b2 b3 a1 a2 a3 a40Fh 0Fh 1Eh 87h 0Fh 0Fh 0Fh128ch: Alarm modeb1 b2 b3 a1 a2 a3 a40Fh 0Fh 78h 0Fh 0Fh 0Fh 1EhDAI: b1b2b3a1a2a3a4b1b2b3=Notice ofFirst Alarm Channela1a2a3a4=Notice ofAlarm Channelbn7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0P P P P O O O OChecking CodeData that bit reversed noticeof First Alarm Channel(3-digit number)Bit PositionNotice of First Alarm Channel(3-digit number)Value: 0 - F(Example 1) bn = 0001 1110 → Value: 1(Example 2) bn = 0011 1100 → Value: 3an7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0P P P P O O O OChecking CodeData that bit reversed noticeof First Alarm Channel(3-digit number)Bit PositionNotice of First Alarm Channel(3-digit number)Value: 0 - F(Example 1) an = 0001 1110 → Value: 1(Example 2) an = 0011 1100 → Value: 3