43Note: Available zooming rates differ depending on sys-tem units. (Refer to the operating instructions of sys-tem units for details.) Tour Sequence/Group SequenceSequence monitoring is the function to switch cameraimages automatically, according to the order registered inthe system unit. The following procedure is available whena selected system unit has the tour or group sequencemonitoring function.Note: Before performing the procedure, the sequencesetup of system unit is required.1. Select a system unit and monitor. (Refer to p. 41System Unit Selection and p. 42 Monitor Selection.)2. Enter a desired sequence number.3. To activate a tour sequence, press the TOURSEQ/GROUP SEQ button.To activate a group sequence, press the TOURSEQ/GROUP SEQ button while holding down the SHIFTbutton. The sequence will be activated, and “Seq” willappear on the monitor, in place of the camera number.Notes:• If you have skipped entering the sequence numberin Step 2, Tour or Group Sequence 1 will be activat-ed.• If the selected recorder supports sequence paus-ing, you can pause the sequence by pressing theSEQ PAUSE/SEQ STOP button. During thesequence pause, “Seq-P” will appear on the LCD inplace of “Seq”.4. To quit the sequence monitoring, press the SEQPAUSE/SEQ STOP while holding down the SHIFT but-ton. The monitor display will return to the spot mode.Note: If the selected system unit does not supportsequence stop, stop the sequence by selecting acamera or activating the multiscreen display. (Referto p. 42 Camera Selection or Multiscreen Display inthis page.)The following are the procedures to control system units(including recorders). Multiscreen DisplayThe following procedure is available when a selected sys-tem unit (for example, a hard disk recorder) has the multi-screen display function.1. Select a system unit and monitor. (Refer to p. 41System Unit Selection and p. 42 Monitor Selection.)2. Do either of the following.• Press the MULTI SCREEN button.• Press the desired numeric buttons (refer to the dia-gram), then press the MULTI SCREEN button.Images will be displayed in the specified multiscreensegment pattern on the monitor. Every pressing theMULTI SCREEN button can change the multiscreensegment pattern.Numeric buttons Multiscreen display pattern0 4 segments1 7 segments2 9 segments3 10 segments4 13 segments5 16 segmentsNote: Available multiscreen segment patterns differdepending on system units. Refer to the operatinginstructions of system units. Electronic ZoomingThe following procedure is available when a selected sys-tem unit has the electronic zooming function.1. Select a system unit, monitor, and camera. (Refer to p.41 System Unit Selection, p. 42 Monitor Selection, andp. 42 Camera Selection)2. Press the EL-ZOOM button. The camera image on themonitor will be zoomed. Every pressing the EL-ZOOMbutton can change the zooming rate.3. To move the zoomed area, move the 3D joystick todesired directions. (Refer to the operating instructionsof system unit.)SYSTEM UNIT CONTROLMon02 Seq HD316F1 F2 F3 F4