ACCULINK 317x E1 DSU/CSU3-12 December 1996 3170-A2-GB20-20The configuration options are divided into functionalgroups. Appendix C contains a list of the configurationoptions and defaults. These groups are:• DTE (Drop/Insert) Interface (Table C-1)• Port (Table C-2)• Network Interface (Table C-3)• Channel (Tables C-4 and C-5)• General (Table C-6)• User Interface (Table C-7)• Alarm (Table C-8)• General SNMP (Table C-9)• SNMP Trap (Table C-10)Use the Configuration (Cnfig) branch of the front panelmenu tree to display or change E1 DSU/CSUconfiguration options (see Appendix A, Front PanelMenu).Displaying/Editing Configuration OptionsTo display/edit configuration options,1. Press F3 to select Cnfig from the top-level menuscreen.F1DS U E 1 CEPTStat Test CnfigF2 F32. Select the configuration option set to be copiedinto the Edit area by using the appropriateFunction key. Use the scroll keys, if necessary.F1Load from:Activ Cust1F2 F33. Press F1 to select Edit.F1Choose Funct:Edit SaveF2 F34. From the Edit screen, select the functional groupyou want to edit by pressing the appropriateFunction key. Use the scroll keys, if necessary.(The NET selection is shown as an example only.)F1Edit:DTE Port NETF2 F3The configuration options for the selectedfunctional group appear on the front panel oneoption at a time. The option name appears onLine 1 with the current value next to it. To reachother options, use the Next and Previous selectionsto scroll forward and backward through the groupof options.F1NET Frame:noCRCNext CRC4 noCRCF2 F35. Press the appropriate Function key to chooseanother value. Use the scroll keys, if necessary.6. Use the Save procedure to save your changes tothe Active or Customer area.