ACCULINK 317x E1 DSU/CSU4-20 December 1996 3170-A2-GB20-204. From the Loopback Abort screen, press thedesired Function key to abort All or one specificloopback test. Use the scroll keys, if necessary.F1Loopback: A bortAll LLB PLBF2 F3If you select ALL, LLB, PLB, DLB, or RLB, skipStep 5.NOTEDLB does not appear when theDTE Drop/Insert interface isdisabled.5. From the Abort screen, press the Function key thatcorresponds to the port for which you want toabort the test. Use the scroll keys, if necessary.F1Abort:Test NamePrt1 Prt2 Prt3F2 F3When abort is complete, the message CommandComplete appears on the Abort screen.NOTEBe careful when selecting aspecific loopback test to abort. Ifyou mistakenly choose to abort aloopback test that is not currentlyrunning, a Command Completemessage will still display and theloopback that is currently activewill still be running. You can usethe TStat branch of the menu toview the test status to determine ifthe abort was successful.Test PatternsUse the Test Pattern commands to send and aborttransmission of test patterns on the E1 DSU/CSUnetwork. Available test patterns are:• 511 – A pseudo-random bit sequence (PRBS) that is511 bits long (on the data ports only). This is aPRBS 2 9 –1 test.• 1-in-8 – A test pattern consisting of a one (1)followed by seven zeros (on the network only).• QRSS – A quasi-random signal sourceapproximating live data that can be monitored forlogic errors (on the data ports only).Sending Test PatternsUse the Send command to start transmission of a testpattern.Only one test pattern can be active at a time on oneport. Table 4-9 lists the valid send test patterncombinations. Valid combinations are identified by YES.To send a test pattern,1. Press F2 to select Test from the top-level menuscreen.2. From the Test screen, press F3 to select Ptrns.F1Test:Rlpbk Lpbk PtrnsF2 F33. From the Patterns screen, press F2 to select Send.F1Patterns:Abort Send MonF2 F3