Maintenance4-53170-A2-GB20-20 December 1996Network Performance ReportsNetwork performance is continuously monitored andmaintained in network aggregate registers (NET) and, ifconfigured for EDL, in far-end and near-end portregisters.Network aggregate registers (NET) are status registersthat collect performance data for the previous 24-hourperiod. Registers shown on the front panel LCD are listedin Table 4-3. Aggregate data is updated in 15-minuteintervals. After 15 minutes, the current interval is rolledover into a set of accumulator registers that represent theprevious 96 15-minute intervals for the register. Aninterval total of how many of the 96 registers containvalid data is also kept, as well as a 24-hour total for eachaccumulator register.Network port performance is continuously monitoredand maintained in internal memory registers when the portinterface is configured to use EDL. The E1 DSU/CSUmaintains two sets of port registers for each synchronousdata port: far-end port registers and near-end portregisters. These registers are status registers that collectperformance data for the previous 8-hour period.Registers shown on the front panel LCD are listed inTable 4-3. Port data is updated in 15-minute intervals.After 15 minutes, the current interval is rolled over into aset of accumulator registers that represent the previous 3215-minute intervals for the register. An interval total ofhow many of the 32 registers contain valid data is alsokept, as well as a 8-hour total for each accumulatorregister.To display a network aggregate (NET) PerformanceReport on the front panel LCD,1. Press F1 to select Stat from the top-level menuscreen.F1DS U E 1 CEPTStat Test CnfigF2 F32. From the Status screen, select Perf.F1Status:DevHS STest PerfF2 F33. Select NET registers.F1Performance:NET Prt1 Prt2F2 F34. From the NET Registers screen, press F1 to viewcurrent registers (go to Step 5), press F2 to view24-Hour Totals (go to Step 6), or press F3 to view15-Minute Interval Registers (go to Step 7).F1NET Registers:Cur 24Tot IntvlF2 F35. When you press F1 from the NET Registersscreen, the NET registers for the current15-minute interval appear.F1NET Current:Event = xx,xxxF2 F36. When you press F2 from the NET Registersscreen, the NET registers for the 24-hour totalinterval appear.F1NET 24 Hour:VldIntvl = xxF2 F3