COMSPHERE 3550 Series Data Service UnitsC-2 July 1999 3550-A2-GB20-40Table C-1DSU Status IndicatorsLabel Color DescriptionOK Green Health and status indicator: DSU operation is normal. (The DSU has notdetected any of the faults listed under Alrm, below.)This indicator flashes two times per second if a message from the NMS ispresent.Alrm Red Health and status indicator:There is a fault in the local or remote DSU, DBM, or DDS facility, or there is acorrupted configuration.The following alarms at the local or remote DSU cause the Alrm statusindicator on the affected DSU to light:Configuration CorruptDevice FaultDial Tone Test FailureDTR AlarmFacility AlarmMUX FailureNo ResponseRedundant Power AlarmStreaming TerminalSubnetwork AlarmOut-of-Frame ThresholdOut-of-ServiceTest Yellow Active device (DSU or DBM) is either performing a test or other DSUs or DBMsare in Test mode. 1Dial Yellow DBM is activeRapid flashing: Call setup in progressSlow flashing: Call established but in Standby modeSteady ON: Backup call established and activeTXD, RXD, RTS,CTS, DSR, DTR,LSDGreen Internal lead states at the DSU/DTE interface(circuit designations):Control circuit activeorData circuit SPACE(ing).Front Panel(Model 3551 only)Yellow DSU is currently selected at the SDCP. (The SDCP addresses one DSU at atime.)1 The DSU or DBM is automatically put into Test mode when a remote DSU or DBM is performing a disruptive test (e.g.,a Local Loopback (LL) at the control DSU. A DSU or DBM in Test mode has its DTE interface turned Off).Table C-2SDCP Status IndicatorsLabel Color DescriptionOK Green Health and status indicator for the selected DSU; mirrors the OK indicator onthe DSU faceplate.Alrm Red Health and status indicator for the selected DSU; mirrors the Alrm indicator onthe DSU faceplate.BckUp Yellow Mirrors the BckUp LED on the selected DSU.Test Yellow Mirrors the Test indicator on the selected DSU.EC Green Error Correction indicator is for future use by dial network modems.