Configuring the Unit5-173550-A2-GB20-40 July 1999Table 5-8(1 of 4)General Configuration OptionsDTE Port: EIA232Next EIA232 V.35 PrevDTE Port (not displayed when a TDM/Flex is installed and enabled). Selects the active DTE interface.EIA232 — Select when using the EIA-232 interface (connector). EIA232 operation is recommended for speeds19.2 kbps or below. Operation at speeds up to 56 kbps is dependent upon cable length, cable quality, andthe local environment.V.35 — Select when using the V.35 interface (connector). Operation at available rates for distances up to 1000feet.RTS Cntrl: DTE for MPTT; FrcOn for other configurationsNext FrcOn DTE PrevRequest-to-Send Control. This configuration option determines how the DSU will function with respect to the RTS lead. Ifset to FrcOn, the DSU internally forces the RTS lead ON; if set to DTE, the DSU sends control mode idle (CMI)whenever RTS is Off, and data mode idle (DMI) when RTS is ON.FrcOn — Select for PTPC, PTPT, and MPTC configurations. With this setting, the DSU internally forces data modeidle (DMI), regardless of whether RTS at the DTE interface is ON or Off.DTE — Select for MPTT configuration. This setting causes the DSU to send a control mode idle (CMI) signalwhenever RTS is Off, and a data mode idle (DMI) signal when RTS is ON.CTS Cntrl: StdNext Std =RTS Delay FrcOn PrevClear-to-Send Control. Controls the behavior of the CTS lead when abnormal conditions are present (e.g., No Signal orTest Mode), as determined by the configuration options RTS Cntrl and Circ Assur.Std — Select for all factory-loaded configurations (PTPC, PTPT, MPTC, and MPTT) so that the DSU responds toabnormal conditions. When selected, CTS follows RTS except when the DSU is in Test Mode, or analarm or CMI is being received, andCirc Assur is set to Enab.=RTS — When selected, CTS follows RTS regardless of whether Test Mode, an alarm, or CMI is being received.Delay — Select when using automatic backup. Selecting Delay is the same as selecting Std except that when analarm is received, CTS does not go low (drop) until the DBM orexternal DBU has failed to backup in thetime allotted by theTries Time-Out (in the Backup options set) setting. Make sure thatAuto Backup (inthe Backup option set) is enabled.FrcOn — When Forced On is selected, CTS remains ON as long as the DSU is receiving power.AntiStream:DisabNext Chang PrevAntistreaming (only displayed when Full Mode is enabled, and a TDM/Flex is not installed). Antistreaming providescircuit protection against a streaming DTE (a defective DTE that has its RTS lead constantly turned ON) by clamping theRTS lead of the tributary DSU.Antistreaming only takes effect whenRTS Cntrl is set to DTE; it is disabled whenRTS Cntrl is set to FrcOn.Chang — Set timer to any value from 1 to 100 second(s), in increments of 1; or to Disab when streaming terminaldetection is not needed.