Status Indicators and Control Panel MessagesC-33550-A2-GB20-40 July 1999Control Panel MessagesThis section shows the screen format of messagesappearing on the control panel and describes the variousmessages.Three types of messages are included: health andstatus, progress, and error messages.FormatThe format of the control panel messages is shownbelow.F1Command NameMessageF2 F3Health and Status MessagesThere are three types of health and status messages.Device Health and Status messages are described inTable C-3, Expanded Health and Status messages aredescribed in Table C-4, and Subnetwork Health and Statusmessages are described in Table C-5.Table C-3(1 of 3)Device Health and Status MessagesMessage ConditionCMI Fac Alarm Facility Alarm on CMI (FacAlOnCMI) configuration option is enabled and control modeidle (CMI) is being received.Config Corrupt Configuration is corrupt. Reset all configuration options from one of the default(factory-loaded) option sets stored in the PTPC, PTPT, MPTC, or MPTT.DBM:Device Fail Internal failure is detected in the DBM.DBM:Disable DBM transmitter is disabled. DBM is in Idle mode, but no calls can be initiated oranswered.nn.nDBM:modenn.n indicates the DBM speed;mode is one of the following:Standby — A dialed connection is made, but the data is still routed over the DDScircuit. The first line shows the dial backup connection time.Active — A dialed connection is made, and data has been routed over that line.nn.nExternBUnn.n indicates the external DBU’s speed:External — Backup is in progress on anexternal DBU. (DDS line isBkup disabled.)DBMTst:test,init The DBM is running a test, initiated frominit.test is one of the following tests:BERT — Bit Error Rate TestBiL — Bilateral LoopbackDev — Device TestDL — Digital LoopbackDT — Digital TestDTE — DTE LoopbackE-E — End-to-End TestLamp — Lamp TestRL — Remote Digital LoopbackTM — Test Modeinit is one of the following initiators:DTE — Data Terminal EquipmentFP — Front Panel (the DCP)NMS — Network Management SystemRemt — Remote DSU