Chapter 3: Configuring Your LibrarySetting Up the Network ConfigurationQuantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide 161Setting Up the Network ConfigurationMake sure that your library is attached to the network before you usethe Network Configuration command.Caution: You must fully understand all network issues before youchange the network configuration for an alreadyconfigured library. It is recommended that you consult withyour network administrator before changing your networkconfiguration.Note: To set up an iPv6 network connection, make sure that the IPv6option is enabled on the Physical Library dialog, as describedin Setting Up Policies for the Physical Library on page 177.Note: For all site-to-site customer firewall network settings, seeAppendix B, Network Port Settings.1 Log on as an administrator.2 If you are not already working from the physical library, select thephysical library from the View menu.3 Do one of the following, depending on whether IPv6 is enabled ordisabled and the protocol of the network connection you want toconfigure:• IPv4 Configuration — Proceed to Setting up IPv4 NetworkConfiguration on page 162.• IPv6 Configuration — Proceed to Setting up IPv6 NetworkConfiguration on page 164.Note: The IPv6 Configuration submenu only appears if youhave enabled IPv6 for the physical library, as describedin Setting Up Policies for the Physical Library onpage 177.• DNS Configuration — Proceed to Configuring DNS onpage 166.