Chapter 1: DescriptionTape Drives and Media26 Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s GuideTape Drives and MediaNote: Library firmware versions 630Q (i10) and later do not supportDLT tape drives, media, or magazines. If you upgrade to theselibrary firmware versions, make arrangements to remove and/or replace all DLT tape drives, media, and magazines in yourlibrary. If you want to continue to use DLT tape drives andmedia, your library firmware must be at version 617Q.GS01001(i8.4) or earlier.Tape drives are enclosed in a universal drive sled. You can hot swap andhot add all supported drives, regardless of type. The library supports thefollowing types of tape drives:• IBM LTO-1 or LTO-2 LVD–SCSI• IBM LTO-1, LTO-2, LTO-3, LTO-4, LTO-5, or LTO-6 FC Multi-mode• HP LTO-3, LTO-4, LTO-5, and LTO-6 FC Multi-modeCaution: A single partition can have a mixture of drive types andinterface types within the same domain (for example,LTO-1 and LTO-2 with SCSI or Fibre Channel interfaces). Formore information, see Mixed Media Support and Rules onpage 28 and Understanding Partition Media Policy Settingson page 125.The control module and expansion modules have upper and lower driveclusters. Each library must have at least one tape drive. Each drivecluster can house up to six tape drives for a total of 12 drives. Additionaldrives can be added to any expansion modules in the configuration,except high-density expansion modules. This enables you to have a totalof 96 drives. In dual-robot systems, the left parking module cannotcontain drives.Note: When you add drives, you lose storage slots.As of firmware version i11, drives can be installed in any module in thelibrary expect a left parking module or high-density expansion module.However, it is still recommended that drives be installed in bottom-to-top order .