Chapter 6: Automated Media PoolRequirements for Automated Media Pool266 Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guidebe moved from the AMP instead of having to be imported into thelibrary.• Partition size can be expanded or reduced as needed without havingto reconfigure the library or host applications.• You can move tapes between AMP partitions and standardpartitions via the library user interface without exporting andimporting the tapes (for more information, see Moving MediaBetween Active Vault or AMP and Standard Partitions on page 677).Note: Manual movement between library managed partitions andstandard partitions will require inventory reconciliation withthe backup application managing the standard partition.This chapter includes:• Requirements for Automated Media Pool on page 266• Configuring Automated Media Pool on page 267• Step 1: Creating AMP Partitions on page 267• Step 2: Creating Magazine Extensions in Standard Partitions onpage 268• Using Automated Media Pool on page 270• Assigning Storage to/from the AMP on page 270• Assigning Media to/from the AMP on page 273Requirements for Automated Media Pool• The AMP feature requires a Partition license (see Enabling Licenseson page 119).• The automated media pool uses one or more library managedpartitions, meaning that it exists solely within the library and is notaccessible to hosts.• You may have multiple AMP partitions. However, the total numberof standard and library managed partitions cannot exceed themaximum of 16 partitions.