Chapter 13: Running Your LibraryWhen Robotics Are Not ReadyQuantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide 465When Robotics Are Not ReadyWhen the library robotics are not yet ready to accept commands,aspects of the LMC are still available while other aspects are not. Thissituation can occur during startup, reboot, or while the library isrunning. During run time, for example, the robotics will becomeunavailable if someone opens and closes an access door without thenpressing the Robotics Enabled button.Whenever robotics become disabled, a message appears in the Activityarea on the main LMC display that states, “Warning: The Robotics arenot Enabled.” Users can log on locally or remotely while the robotics aredisabled.Table 38 on page 465 lists the menu commands that are available whenthe robotics become disabled either before system discovery can occuror after system discovery has occurred. As the table shows, significantlyfewer menu commands are available when the library is started up orrebooted and the robotics become disabled before system discoveryoccurs.Note: Menu commands not listed in the table are not available at allwhen the robotics become disabled, regardless of when therobotics become disabled. Unavailable menu commands aregrayed out on the LMC.Table 38 Menu CommandsWhen Robotics are DisabledAvailable Menu Commands When Robotics Become DisabledAfterDiscoveryBeforeDiscoveryOperations > Change Mode (for shutdown only) X XOperations > Log Off X XMonitor > Drives XMonitor > Connectivity > IO Blade XMonitor > Connectivity > SCSI Channel X