8 Print Tape Normal (TWN)General DescriptionThis instruction transfers a specified series of consecutive characters in HSM to the Multiple Tape Lister Buffer.FormatOperation — 8N — — (minus)A Address — Address of the first location in HSM to be transferred to the buffer (Control Character).B Address — Address of the last location in HSM to be transferred to the buffer.Direction of OperationLeft to right.Outline of OperationThis instruction sends a start signal to the Multiple Tape Lister and operates in the following cycle:The contents of the HSM location specified by the A Register are transferred to the Lister storage buffer. Thecontents of the A Register are compared with the contents of the B Register. The contents of the A Register areincremented by one. If the comparison proved equal, the instruction terminates. If the comparison proved unequal,the cycle is repeated.Final Register Contents(A)f = Address of location one to the right of the last character transferred to the buffer.(B)t = (B),TimingPrint and paper advance of one line takes 30.0 ms. Paper advance to the top of the form is accomplished at therate of 18 ms per line.Note: Appendix I indicates the format of the Control Character and the characters which may be printed.XIV-3