9 Print Tape Simultaneous (TWS)General DescriptionThis instruction transfers a specified series of consecutive characters in HSM to the Multiple Tape ListerBuffer in the Simultaneous Mode.FormatOperation — 9N — — (minus)A Address — Address of the first location in HSM to be transferred to the buffer (Control Character).B Address — Address of the last location in HSM to be transferred to the buffer.Direction of OperationLeft to right.Outline of OperationInitially this instruction is staticized in the Normal Mode. If the simultaneous Mode is free and the SMDIbutton is not on, the contents of the NOR, N, A, and B Registers are transferred to the SOR, M, S and T Registersrespectively, and this instruction is executed in the Simultaneous Mode. This instruction sends a start signal to theMultiple Tape Lister and operates in the following cycle:The contents of the HSM location specified by the S Register are transferred to the Lister storage buffer. Thecontents of the S Register are compared with the contents of the T Register. The contents of the S Register areincremented by one. If the comparison proved equal, the instruction terminates. If the comparison proved unequal,the cycle is repeated.Final Register Contents(S)f = Address of location one to the right of the last character transferred to the buffer.(T)f = (B),TimingPrint and paper advance of one line takes 30.0 ms. Paper advance to the top of the form is accomplished at therate of 18 ms per line.Note: Appendix I indicates the format of the Control Character and the characters which may be printed.XIV-4