C a r d Selec tC o n di t i o n s InstructionT e r mi n a t i o nH o w I n d i c a t e dT o P r o g ra mI n d i c a t o rC l e a r a n c e C o m m e n t s1. Inoperable beforeCard Select.At timedetectedOption 1A02> = 1(Inoperable)Manual Reset2. Inoperable duringexecution of CardSelect.No instruction beingexecutedOption 0A024 = 0andOption 1A02! = 1Manual Reset Unit goes inoperable at time ofextract if Address Verificationerror on Card Select.3. Card released dueto exceeding 32unserviced revolutions.When this Select is executed, theextraction will be held off untilthe "32 Rev" bit is cleared.4. Address Verificationerror on Card selected.Address Verificationerror on Card preselected.No instruction beingexecutedOption 1A02* = 1(Inoperable)Manual ResetManual ResetCard released to magazine.Becomes inoperable when extractis attempted.5. Card Absent. No instruction beingexecutedOption 1A02! = 1(Inoperable)Manual Reset Hardware will attempt anotherSelect.6. Card Select notpermissible.At timedetectedOption 1A„23 = 1(IllegalOperation)7. Magazine Absent. Upon completion ofinstructionOption 0A02* " 0UnconditionalCard RemovalRemoval Command must be givento set the 8-10ms. indicationto "1".XV-12