16A LOOK AT THE DISPLAYThe display has several indicators that show the scanner’s current operating mode.A good look at the display will help you understand how your scanner operates.MON — appears during a search orwhen you listen to a monitor memory.The number to the right of this showsthe current monitor memory number.See “Listening to Monitor Memories”on Page 23.FREQ, CHAN, LOCK — shows therotary tuner’s current setting.BANK — shows which channel-storage banks are turned on. See “Un-derstanding Channel-Storage Banks”on Page 17.HYPER — appears when you scanchannels or when the scanner is in theHypersearch mode during limitsearch, direct search, and auto store.AUTO — appears when the scanner isin the auto store mode or when theauto sort function is turned on.COUNT — appears when you use thescanner’s count feature.CTCSS — appears when the CTCSSfeature is turned on.DATA — appears when you turn onthe data skip feature.FM/AM — shows the current modula-tion mode; flashes when you overridethe default mode.P — appears when you listen to a pri-ority channel.CH — digits that precede this indicatorshow which of the 200 channels thescanner is tuned to.ATT — appears when the attenuatoris turned on.MHz — the large digits that precedethis indicator show which frequencythe scanner is tuned to.SCAN — appears when you scanchannels.MAN — appears when you manuallyselect a channel.PGM — appears while you programfrequencies into the scanner’s chan-nels.PRI — appears when you set thescanner to scan the selected prioritychannels every 2 seconds.20-418.fm Page 16 Wednesday, August 4, 1999 12:42 PM