23LISTENING TO MONITORMEMORIESOnce you store frequencies into moni-tor memories using a direct or limitsearch or weather scan, you can listento a monitor memory by pressingMANUAL, MONITOR, and then thenumber for the monitor memory youwant to listen to.Note: To listen to the monitor memo-ries, the priority channel feature mustbe turned off.MOVING A FREQUENCYFROM A MONITORMEMORY TOA CHANNEL1. Press PROGRAM.2. Enter the channel number whereyou want to store the frequency,then press PROGRAM. PGMappears on the display.3. Press MONITOR. Use the numberkeys or turn the rotary tuner toselect the monitor memory’s num-ber. The channel number flashesand the frequency appears.4. Press E. The scanner stores thefrequency into the selected chan-nel.SCANNING CHANNELSTo begin scanning channels, pressSCAN. The scanner scans through allnon-locked channels in the activatedbanks. (See “Turning Channel-Stor-age Banks On and Off” below and“Locking Out Channels” on Page 25.)Note: If the scanner does not scan, besure you have set SQUELCH correctly.Turning Channel-StorageBanks On and OffYou can turn each channel-storagebank on and off. When you turn off abank, the scanner does not scan anyof the 20 channels in that bank.While scanning, press the number keycorresponding to the bank you want toturn on or off. If the memory banknumber at the top of the display is on,the bank is turned on and the scannerscans all channels within that bankthat are not locked out. If the numberis off, the scanner does not scan anyof the channels within that bank.Notes:• You can manually select anychannel in a bank, even if thebank is turned off.• There must be at least one activebank. You cannot turn off allbanks.20-418.fm Page 23 Wednesday, August 4, 1999 12:42 PM