18OPERATIONTURNING ON THESCANNER/SETTINGVOLUME AND SQUELCH1. Rotate VOLUME 1 /4 turn clockwiseto turn on the scanner.2. Rotate SQUELCH fully counter-clockwise.3. Slowly turn SQUELCH clockwiseuntil the hissing stops.Note: To hear a weak or distant sta-tion, turn SQUELCH counterclockwise.You might hear hissing, but you willnot miss any transmissions. If you turnSQUELCH too far counterclockwise,the scanner does not search or scan.USING THE ROTARYCONTROLThe rotary control has three modesthat you select using the FREQ/CHAN-LOCK button. To select the control’smode, repeatedly press FREQ/CHAN-LOCK until the scanner displays thedesired mode.FREQ — the rotary control stepsthrough frequencies during a search.CHAN — the rotary control stepsthrough the programmed channels.LOCK — the rotary control does notoperate. Use this setting to help pre-vent accidentally changing the chan-nel or frequency.STORING FREQUENCIESYou can store up to 200 frequenciesinto your scanner’s channels. Goodfrequency references are Ra-dioShack’s “Police Call Guide includ-ing Fire and Emergency Services,”“Official Aeronautical Frequency Di-rectory,” and “Maritime Frequency Di-rectory.” These directories areupdated every year, so be sure to geta current copy.If you do not have a frequency refer-ence for your area, you can use a limitor direct search to find transmissions.See “Searching For and TemporarilyStoring Active Frequencies” onPage 19 or “Guide to the ActionBands” on Page 34.Follow these steps to manually storefrequencies.1. Press PROGRAM. PGM appearson the display.2. Enter the number for the channelwhere you want to store a fre-quency.Note: You can enter the channelnumber using any of the followingmethods:• Use the number keys to enterthe channel number, then pressPROGRAM.• Press PROGRAM to incrementthe channel number one step ata time.20-418.fm Page 18 Wednesday, August 4, 1999 12:42 PM