3Direct Search — lets you search fortransmissions starting from a frequen-cy you specify.Count Feature — lets you keep trackof how many times your scanner hasstopped on a channel.Search Skip — lets you select up to50 frequencies for the scanner to skipduring a search, so you can avoid fre-quencies you have already discoveredor that have a continuous transmis-sion.Two-Second Scan Delay — delaysscanning for 2 seconds before movingto another channel, so you can hearmore replies.Data Skip — skips data signals (non-modulated signals such as preamblesignals for pagers) during scan, limitsearch, and direct search.Lock-Out Function — preventschannels you select from beingscanned.Priority Channels — checks 10 spec-ified channels every 2 seconds so youdo not miss important calls.Automatic Modulation Mode — se-lects the modulation method — nar-row-band frequency modulation(NFM) or amplitude modulation (AM)— most often used for each band, andlets you manually override the presetmode.Attenuator — reduces the scanner’ssensitivity to help limit reception tostrong, nearby transmitters.Memory Backup — keeps storedchannel frequencies in memory for upto 3 days during a power loss.CTCSS Option — with an optionalCTCSS tone circuit board, you canuse the Continuous Tone CodedSquelch System (CTCSS) to selec-tively listen to some business bandand amateur radio transmissions.Backlit Display — lets you easily seethe indicators on the scanner’s dis-play, even at night.We recommend you record your scan-ner’s serial number here. The numberis on the scanner’s back panel.Serial Number: _________________Your scanner has the following pre-programmed weather channels:• 162.4000 MHz (NFM)• 162.4250 MHz (NFM)• 162.4500 MHz (NFM)• 162.4750 MHz (NFM)• 162.5000 MHz (NFM)• 162.5250 MHz (NFM)• 162.5500 MHz (NFM)20-418.fm Page 3 Wednesday, August 4, 1999 12:42 PM