P36E-10 Zero Clearance Direct Vent Gas Fireplace | 1717|installationSideNailing Strips"C" Screw Position:For a facing material depth of 1-1/4" (32mm), thetop facing support must be reversed.UNIT ASSEMBLYPRIOR TOINSTALLATIONThe Top Facing Support, the Side Nailing Stripsand the 2 Top Standoffs must be correctlypositioned and attached to the top before unitis slipped into position.Top Standoff AssemblyThe top standoffs are shipped in a flat positionand must be folded into shape and attached.1) Remove the standoffs from the fireplace top.2) Take each standoff and bend into the correctshape. Bend up at the bend lines until thescrew holes in the standoff and the pre-punched screw holes on the fireplace topline up.3) Attach the standoff securely to the top with2 screws per standoff (on opposite corners).VENTINGINTRODUCTIONThe P36-10 uses the "balanced flue"technology Co-Axial system. The inner linervents products of combustion to the outside whilethe outer liner draws outside combustion air intothe combustion chamber thereby eliminating theneed to use heated room air for combustion andlosing warm room air up the chimney.Note: These flue pipes must not beconnected to any other appliance.The gas appliance and vent system must bevented directly to the outside of the building,and never be attached to a chimney serving aseparate solid fuel or gas burning appliance.Each direct vent gas appliance must use it's ownseparate vent system. Common vent systemsare prohibited.NAILING STRIPSDetermine the total thickness of facing material(e.g. non combustible plus ceramic tiles) to allowthe finished surface to be flush with the front ofthe unit. Total facing thickness can vary from1/2" (13mm) to 1-1/4" (32mm) thick.The Top Facing Support can be mounted in 3different positions depending on the thicknessof the facing material.SideNailing Strips2) Fold out the two nailing strips on each side.If finishing flush with the VIgnette Finishing Trim-bend nailing strips around side trim pieces asshown below.1) Mount Top Facing Support using the3 supplied screws into the three pre-punched screw holes on the top front ofthe unit. Use hole positions A, B, or Cdepending on your facing depth.ScrewPositionFacing MaterialDepthA 1/2" / 13mmB 7/8" / 22mmC* 1-1/4" / 32mm* For "C" screw position the top facingsupport is reversed.NOTE:If finishing flush with the VIgnette Finishing Trim -remove top nailing strip (facing support) if alreadyinstalled and use the nailing strip supplied withthe Trim.Nailing stripsupplied withtrimRemoveNailing stripfrom unit ifinstalledSidenailingstrips bent.