12 Fan Coil FC600 Instruction ManualThe Hand icon indicates that the thermostat is in permanent override(manualmode). The heat icon indicates that the thermostat is in Heating Mode. You can set atemperature higher than the current temperature and the Fan Coil will maintain it untilyou set a new setpoint.3.M4.MThe Leaf icon indicates that the thermostat is in Eco Mode. The heat icon indicates thatthe thermostat is in Heating Mode. When in Eco Mode, the thermostat will use Ecosetpoint to control room temperature. You cannot change the temperature in Eco Mode.When thermostat operates in Eco Mode, you cannot set a new temperature set point by pressing the or .After thermostat exists Eco Mode, it returns to the previous set mode.The default set point temperature is 30°C for cooling mode and 15°C for heating mode. To change that, pleaserefer to settings in Installer Section.Note: If you have the occupancy sensor, then the Eco Mode will be activated automatically when theset up is complete. This is the default setting. You can choose from either ECO or STANDBY mode whendepending on the position of the keycard (in/out).If your thermostat is set to Auto Heat/Cool selection, these are the 2 possible combinations you can have byshort pressing the Mode Button:MThe A Icon indicates that the thermostat is running in auto heat/cool changeovermode. The hand icon shows Permanent Override Mode (manual). You can set asetpoint temperature and the thermostat will follow it. The Heating/Cooling modewill be selected automatically:- using Heat / Cool changeover sensor connected to S1/COM (available in 2 pipe and4 pipe application)- using the pipe sensor connected to S1/COM (available in 2 pipe application only)- using the "dead zone" (available in 4 pipe application only)Eco Mode with auto heat/cool changeover. The temperature will be set using Ecotemperature setpoint. When in Eco Mode, the thermostat will use Eco set point tocontrol room temperature. You cannot change the temperature in Eco mode.MM1.2.MMMMM