SAMSUNG DCS PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL December 1996MMC: 725 SMDR OPTIONSDESCRIPTION:Allows the system administrator to select the information printed on the SMDR report. Thefollowing options may be selected to print on SMDR:0. PAGE HEADER This option determines whether a page header will print at thetop of each page. This would normally be turned off if SMDR isbeing sent to a call accounting machine.1. LINE PER PAGE This option selects the length of each page to determine when toprint the SMDR header. The number of lines may be in the range01–99.2. INCOMING CALL This option determines whether incoming calls will print onSMDR.3. OUTGOING CALL This option determines whether outgoing calls will print onSMDR.4. AUTHORIZE CODE This option determines whether authorization codes will print onSMDR.5. LESS START TIME This option determines whether valid calls will include theminimum call time in total call duration.6. IN/OUT GROUP This option allows a message, IN GROUP or OUT GROUP, to beprinted in the Digits Dialed column each time a station enters orleaves a group.7. DND CALL This option allows a message, IN DND or OUT DND, to beprinted in the Digits Dialed column each time a station enters orleaves DND.8. WAKE-UP CALL This option determines whether stations receiving an alarmreminder call will print on SMDR.9. DIRECTORY NAME This option allows the system administrator to enter a 16character name which will appear on the SMDR header.10. CLIP This option can be selected to print CLIP data received from theC.O. on incoming ISDN calls. This option requires the use of a132 column printer or an 80 column printer set for condensedprint.11. ABANDON CALL If this option is set to YES unanswered calls will print on SMDR.The DIRECTORY NAME that appears on the SMDR header is programmed as follows:Names are written using the keypad. Each press of a key will select a character. Pressing the nextkey will move the cursor to the next position. For example, if the directory name is “SAM SMITH,”press the number “7” three times to get the letter “S.” Now press the number “2” once to get theletter “A.” Continue selecting characters from the table below to complete your message.Pressing the bottom left programmable key will change the letter from upper case to lower case.