SAMSUNG DCS PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL December 1996NOTE: When the character you want appears on the same dial pad key as the previouscharacter, press the right soft key to move the cursor to the right.COUNT 1 2 3 4 5DIAL 0 Q Z . ) 0DIAL 1 space ? , ! 1DIAL 2 A B C @ 2DIAL 3 D E F # 3DIAL 4 G H I $ 4DIAL 5 J K L % 5DIAL 6 M N O ^ 6DIAL 7 P R S & 7DIAL 8 T U V ∗ 8DIAL 9 W X Y ( 9DIAL ∗ : = [ ] ∗PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPK Used to store data and advance to next MMCA Key19; act as toggle between upper case and lower caseACTION DISPLAY1. Press TRSF 725Display showsPAGE HEADERPRINT : YES2. Dial the option number (e.g. 1)ORUse the UP and DOWN keys to scroll throughthe options and press the RIGHT soft keyto select an optionLINE PER PAGE66 LINE / PAGE3. Enter the number of lines per page in therange 01–99 (e.g., 50)ORUse the UP and DOWN keys to change thenumber of lines and press the RIGHT soft key to save thedata and return to step 2LINE PER PAGE50 LINE / PAGEORLINE PER PAGE50 LINE / PAGETHENLINE PER PAGE50 LINE / PAGE4. If option 0 is selected at step 2 PAGE HEADERPRINT : YES5. If option 2 is selected at step 2 INCOMING CALLPRINT : YES6. If option 3 is selected at step 2 OUTGOING CALLPRINT : YES