DCS-VIP User Guide66the ISP or remote network administrator.PPP Incoming Security SetupRemote router name and password can be set up for remote router connection andISP LAN service. Remote router name and password are set up for unauthorizedusers who want to connect to the user’s DCS-VIP router in remote router or ISP.Set the following parameter values and click the Set button.! Remote Router Name : When you want to connect to the user’s DCS-VIProuter from the other network, enter the necessary login name.! Remote Router Password : When you want to connect to user’s DCS-VIProuter from the other network, enter the necessary password.PPP LCP SetupYou can specify the various options necessary for PPP link setting on the PPP LCPSetup screen.! Channel : This is the connecting factor between WAN and the routing table.This will connect the address book that the user chose in the PPP Setup menuand the IP routing table. Select the address book that you want to connect IProuting table to.! Circuit Index : If you select X.25 for WAN protocol, enter the virtual circuitnumber as X.25. If you select PPP for WAN protocol, enter ‘0’.! Authentication Status of Router : If the user network can be connected tothe destination network by entering Incoming User Name and Incoming UserPassword set in PPP Incoming Security Setup menu correctly, set this item to‘ENABLE’.! PPP Idle Timer : If no packet is transmitted on the PPP link during the timeset in this parameter, the PPP link is deallocated automatically. The timer valuerange is 3~3600(seconds).! Remote IP Address Negotiation : Select whether to use the IP address thatyou have given for ISP connection. Select "ENABLE" for ISP connection andselect "DISABLE" for remote router.! PPP Link Operational Status : This displays the operational status of thePPP link. This parameter is read-only.After finishing setting up all the parameters above, click on the SET button. If youwant to make a new PPP LCP information for another channel, click on the NEXTbutton to enter the new PPP LCP information. Then, click the SET button.Manual Call SetupOn the Manual Call Setup screen, after completing the router moduleconfiguration setting for DCS-VIP system, you can connect/disconnect physicalchannel to connect to the ISP or remote router.! Channel Selection : Select the address book that you need to connect/disconnect the physical channel for ISP or remote router connection.To connect the physical channel, click the CONNECT button.To disconnect the physical channel connection, click the DISCONNECT button.ML PPP SetupMLPPP is the protocol that combines more than two ISDN B channels into one PPP.Therefore, MLPPP enables you to use 128Kbps in one ISDN B channel, transmittingdata at a faster speed. On the ML PPP Setup screen, set up the following