DCS-VIP User Guide72220-300.! Sub Protocol Type : Select the sub protocol associated with the primary protocol(UDP, TCP, SPX etc.). If ‘*’ is entered for this parameter, the basic value will beused. The value range is 1~255.! Action Policy : Set up how you will apply filter rules defined in each parameter ofthe Filter Rules screen.− ALLOW : This allows receiving/transmitting of packets conforming to filterrules defined in each parameter.− DENY : This denies receiving/transmitting of packets conforming to filterrules defined in each parameter.− DISABLE : This does not apply filter rules defined in each parameter of theFilter Rules screen, but saves them for later use.− INVALID : This neither applies nor saves filter rules defined in eachparameter of the Filter Rules screen.After finishing setting up all the parameters above, click on the SET button. If youwant to apply filter rules to other protocols, click on the NEXT button to set up theparameter values. Then, click on the SET button.Rule MapOn the Rule Map screen, you can apply several rules defined in the Filter Rule menuby selecting them.! Protocol Type : Select the protocol type set in ‘protocol type’ item of Access ListSetup menu.! Filtering Rule Numbers : Enter the number of the filter rule you want to apply.The value for this parameter is the ‘Rule Number’ value set in the Filter Rule menu.When entering individual filter rule numbers, use ‘,’ to separate them (e.g. 1,2,4)and when entering a range of filter rule numbers , use ‘-‘ (e.g. 1-4). You can defineup to 100 filter rules. Enter ‘0’ if no filter rule is applied.! Rule Map Status : To apply the Rule Map defined on this screen, select ‘Current’,otherwise select ‘Invalid’.After finishing setting up all the parameters above, click on the SET button. If youwant to apply the Rule Map to other protocols, click on the NEXT button to set upthe parameter values. Then, click on the SET button.