104– Show complete trace: When enabled, Swypedisplays the trace of each word until you start thenext word.– Pop-up on keypress: When enabled,characters display above keys as you enter text.– Next word prediction: When enabled, Swypepredicts the next word based on the previousword.– Reset Swype’s dictionary: Delete all thewords you’ve added to the Swype dictionary.– Version: View information about Swype.• Language Options: Choose a language forSwype, and choose other settings.• Swype Connect: Enable personalization fromyour accounts, and choose whether to contributeyour usage data to improve predictions.• Personalization: View and manage words inyour Swype dictionary, used for wordcompletion, suggestion, and spell-checking.• Updates: Check for updates to Swype, andinstall them if desired.Voice Search1. From the Home screen, touch Apps ➔Settings ➔ Language and input ➔Voice search.2. Set options:• Language: Choose a language for voicesearching.• Speech output: Set whether search results usespeech output always or only in hands-freemode.• Block offensive words: Enable this option tomask words that many people find offensivefrom the results of Google voice searches.Offensive words are replaced in results with aplaceholder (####).• Hotword detection: Enable this option to launchvoice search by saying the word “Google.”• Personalized recognition: Enable this option toimprove speech recognition accuracy.• Google Account dashboard: Manage your datacollected by Google.