Understanding Your Phone 233G connection: Phone is active on a 3Gsystem. The arrows are colored whendata is being transferred.Signal Strength: Current signalstrength. The greater the number ofbars, the stronger the signal.Wi-Fi Active: Wi-Fi is active, andconnected to a Wi-Fi network. Thegreater the number of rays,the stronger the signal. The arrowsare colored when data is beingtransferred. For more informationabout configuring Wi-Fi, see “Wi-Fi”on page 79.Wi-Fi Action Needed: Action needed toconnect to Wi-Fi network. For moreinformation about configuring Wi-Fi,see “Wi-Fi” on page 79.New Message: You have newmessage(s).New Voicemail: You have newvoicemail. A number indicates thenumber of new messages.New Email Message: You have newemail.Download Successful: A file wasdownloaded successfully.Update Available: An update isavailable for an installed app.Update Successful: An update wasinstalled for an app.Alarm: An alarm is set.Mute: All sounds except media andalarms are silenced, and Vibrate isnot active. To enable Mute, press andhold the Power/Lock Key, then selectMute.Vibrate: Vibrate is active. To enableVibrate, press and hold the Power/Lock Key, then select Vibrate.Music Playing: Music is playing, butthe app is in the background. You cancontrol playback from Notifications,or from Music player.Music Paused: Music playback ispaused. You can control playbackfrom Notifications, or from Musicplayer.SD Card Ready: A memory card scan isunderway, to prepare the card for use.For more information aboutusing memory cards, see “MemoryCard” on page 11.