Warranty Information 145and privacy policies. There are non-SamsungAccount applications and services that requireyour consent to their separate terms andconditions and privacy policies. You expresslyacknowledge and agree that your use of suchapplications and services will be subject to theapplicable terms and conditions and privacypolicies.13. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. SAMSUNG WILLNOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OF ANY KINDARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE USE ORTHE INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE OR ANYTHIRD PARTY APPLICATION, ITS CONTENT ORFUNCTIONALITY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITEDTO DAMAGES CAUSED BY OR RELATED TOERRORS, OMISSIONS, INTERRUPTIONS,DEFECTS, DELAY IN OPERATION ORTRANSMISSION, COMPUTER VIRUS, FAILURE TOCONNECT, NETWORK CHARGES, IN-APPPURCHASES, AND ALL OTHER DIRECT, INDIRECT,SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF SAMSUNGHAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOTALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OFINCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SOTHE ABOVE EXCLUSIONS OR LIMITATIONS MAYNOT APPLY TO YOU. NOTWITHSTANDING THEFOREGOING, SAMSUNG ELECTRONIC CO.'STOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ALL LOSSES,DAMAGES, CAUSES OF ACTION, INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO THOSE BASED ON CONTRACT,TORT, OR OTHERWISE, ARISING OUT OF YOURUSE OF THE SOFTWARE OR THIRD PARTYAPPLICATIONS ON THIS MOBILE DEVICE, OR ANYOTHER PROVISION OF THIS EULA, SHALL NOTEXCEED THE AMOUNT PURCHASER PAIDSPECIFICALLY FOR THIS MOBILE DEVICE OR ANYSUCH THIRD PARTY APPLICATION THAT WASINCLUDED WITH THIS MOBILE DEVICE. THEFOREGOING LIMITATIONS, EXCLUSIONS, ANDDISCLAIMERS (INCLUDING SECTIONS 10, 11, 12AND 13) SHALL APPLY TO THE MAXIMUMEXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, EVENIF ANY REMEDY FAILS ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE.14. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS RESTRICTEDRIGHTS. The Software is licensed only with"restricted rights" and as "commercial items"consisting of "commercial software" and"commercial software documentation" with onlythose rights as are granted to all other end userspursuant to the terms and conditions herein. AllProducts are provided only with "restrictedrights" with only those rights as are granted toall other end users pursuant to the terms andconditions herein. All Software and Products areprovided subject to Federal AcquisitionRegulation (FAR) APPLICABLE LAW. This EULA is governed bythe laws of the jurisdiction where you are aresident or, if a resident of the United States, bythe laws of the state of Texas, without regard to