623. As you compose a picture, the Cameraautomatically focuses the shot (the focusbracket turns green), or:• Touch the screen to focus on the area youtouched.• “Pinch” or “stretch” the screen, or press theVolume Key, to zoom in or out.• Configure other options. For more information,see “Picture Options” on page 62.4. To take a picture, touch Capture.Picture Options1. From the Home screen, touch Apps ➔Camera.2. Use these options to configure the camera:• Self-portrait: Switch between theback camera and the front camera to takeself-portraits.• Flash: Choose Off, On, or Auto flash.• Shooting mode: Choose an automaticshooting mode. Some modes are not availablefor self-portraits.– Single shot: Take a single photo.– Panorama: Touch the Camera button to take apicture, then use the on-screen guideline tomove the viewfinder and take the next 7 shotsautomatically.– Smile shot: Touch the Camera button to focuson the subject’s face. If a smile is detected, thepicture is taken automatically.– Cartoon: Apply a cartoon effect to pictures.• Effects: Add an effect to pictures.• Options– Edit shortcuts: Choose shortcuts to appear onthe toolbar. Touch and drag shortcuts betweenthe toolbar and the list.– GPS tag: Add GPS location information to photodetails.– Self-portrait: When On, the Camera takespictures with the front Camera.– Flash: Choose the default flash mode.– Shooting mode: Choose the default mode fortaking pictures.– Effects: Apply an effect to pictures.– Scene mode: Choose a mode to match the kindof pictures you’re taking.– Exposure value: Set the default brightnesslevel.– Focus mode: Set the default focus mode.– Timer: Set a delay to wait between touching theCamera button and taking a picture.