150silencing a ringer 42using speakerphone 42using speed dials 41using the Keypad 41Camerapicture options 62recording video 63taking pictures 61video options 64Care and Maintenance 127Children and Cell Phones 118Chrome 64Clock 65Commercial Mobile Alerting System (CMAS)120Connecting to a Computer 84Contactscreating 32creating from Call log 33exporting and importing 37groups 38joining 36My Local Profile 35namecards 37saving a number 33separating 36setting a picture as contact icon 67speed dials 40starred contacts 38updating 33updating from Call Log 44DData Usage 86setting mobile data limit 87Date and Time 107Developer Options 111Display / Touch-Screen 125Display Settings 92brightness 93font style and size 94screen timeout 94 , 107DLNA 83Do cell phones pose a health hazard? 114Downloads 65EEmailaccount settings 54configuring accounts 53deleting accounts 54sending 54syncing your accounts 53Emergency Alerts 53Emergency Calls 126Emergency Tone 92Entering TextGoogle voice typing 28Samsung keyboard 28Swype 30Exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) Signals 114