l?ansferdngfiles to yourWindowscomputerTr_nsfer files to your Windows computer, edit them with Intelli studio, and upload them to the web,cPuRAMOSHard diskcapacityOthersIntel Pentium 4, 3.2 GHz or higher/AMD Athlon TM FX2,6 GHz or higherMinimum 512 MB RAM (1 GB or more recommended)Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, or Windows 7(32 bit editions)250 MB or more (1 GB and above recommended)CD ROM drive• 1024 X 768 pixels, 16 bit color display compatiblemonitor (1280 X 1024 pixels, 32 bit odor displayrecommended)• USB 2,0 port• nVIDIAGeforce 7600GT or higher/ATI X1600 series or higher. Microsoft DirectX 9,00 or higher* The programs may not work properly on 64 bit editions of Windows XP,Windows Vista, and Windows 7.• q_-iereauireme _e are reoommenaauon CRy. n[el/i s_uao may qo_WOrKproperly ever wrier IFle COFT}u_r meeB IFle reauJ_r/enBaepenalnc x-_the eondt on ot your computer.• It your compute_ aces no_ mee_tne reaulremen[s vaeos ma$ orp ay eorrec_y or i[ may _aK6 Dngerto eaiwaeos.° ins_s D rectX 9 uc or amc 7ebetore you use the plograr• Yourc )n )td_errhust oe rum ng -_dowsXR W ndc _vsvista, cWindows 7 tor )u _oeonnec_ _ne camera as a removaole alsKs, 10{Samsurlg e riot reeporlsbletc_any damage fl/at resultsfrom us ngscame J_er"_]ataces no_mee__le reau remen_ssuon as a con Du_e_younave assemmec oursetPlayback/Editing 103