Usingthe po£rait modesSelect the shooting mode for portrait photo.Using the Pose Guide modeIts Pose Guide mode, the camera displays a guide for the posturethat you have selected, Align the subject with the guide beforecapturing the photo,On the Home screen, touch H,View informationabout the pose,[]_ Select other poses,Using the Auto Zoom Shot modeIn Auto Zoom Shot mode, the camera automatically detects thesubject and adjusts the zoom to the detected tace when it is difficultto manually adjust the zoom or to change the subject's position,On the Home screen, touch_! Select to focus on a facePress Shutter] [o caoture me Dnoto., The camera autorna_ca, releases the snu_er when t aetects_.Stallng race_! To change the pose, touch r_l{_} Select a pose guide, and then touch Q.Align your subject with the guide that appearson the screen.;!!ii Half-press [Shutter] to focus{[_ Press [Shutter] to capture the photo• Only a race oohng torward is detectec• uFtc 0tacescaneeae_ec_eanonescene q cntnezoomfocuses on the ]earest face or a lace in the cent6• vvnen you operate me zoom DUEOrwn e USI/G auto zoom sr Xmoae. Theauto zoom Tea_uresic[ 3 ana _ne zoom magn_feator cotaeoears- It you tOUCh_ne zoon con _, atte[ using me zoom DUEO[/,memoae cnar jes back to Auto Zoom Shot modeExtended functions 48