FCCnotice• NOTE:_' s eauiDmenTnas been _es_eaand found to corr Pb wltn tnenits fs a Class B dig_ta uevJee,Dursuar [ to }art I5 of theFCC Russ. These limits are aes ]nea to urovEaereasonaoleproteciJonaganst qarrnful interterence Erla resaentJa msta,atJoThis equipment generates, uses ana Dan raalate raalofrequency energy ar J. if sot insta,ea ana usea in accoraanceWiththe irls_ructlons,may cause narmful interterence _oraalccomrTur"cations. Howeven tnere is no guaralxee tnat in_errereneewill not occur q a DarEicular lstallation. If this e sulDmenTacescause -larmful interteren)e to raalo or television reoeotlor" WNICNcan DedetermJneauy turning the equipment eft anrJon, tne user3 encouragea to % to correct the interference c_ one or mere olTnefollowir y measures- Reorientate, or relocate. _nereoeww_cantenna- Inc ease tne alsiance Detween tne eaulement ana receiver- Oor 1cot tne ecluiDrnentinto an outlet on a circuit differerlt fromtnat to wnlc [ne recewer s conneD'[eoGonesit tne aealer or arl exeerlencea rataD/ TV techniciarl _9rlelLDeclaration of ConformityTrade Name : Samsung Electronics Amenca, Inc.Model No. : Samsung MV800Responsible Party : Samsung Electronics Amenca, Inc.Address : 85 Chalbnger Road, Ridgefield Park,NJ 07660Telephone No, : 1 800 SAMSUNG (726 7864)This device complies with Part 15 ot the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)this device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation,• CAUTION:Changes or modifications net e_'pressy approvea n_/tnemanufacturer res Donsibb for corTE lance coula volo _neusersau_nontyTOoperate Tr/eeqult: rnen_Appendixes 140