i.Jsiri{li}i(ei}t rixii:iosClassic Apply a black and white effect.Retro Apply a sepia tone effect.Create a vivid look with sharp contrast and redPaletteEffect 1 color.Make scenes clean and clear by applying a softPaletteEffect2 blue tone.PaletteEffect 3 Apply a soft brown tone.PaletteEffect4 Create a cold and monotone effect.{_/ Press [Shutter] or touch O to start recording,4J Press [Shutter] again or touch ! to stop recording,t If you select Miniature, Vignetting, Half Tone Dot, Sketch, orFish-eye, the recording speed wilJbe set to _ and the recordingresolution wilJ be set to less than V}_,Using the Vignetting modeIn Vignelting mode, you can capture a photo or record a videowith a vignetting effect.On the Home screen, touch _'._! Select_ [photo)or _ (movie)on the left side of the screen._} Drag the sliders or touch the sample photos to adjustLevel, Brightness, and Contrast,• Toviewtheonginalphoto,touch Before,• Toviewthe photowiththevignettxgeffect,touch After,Align your subject in the frame, and then half-press[Shutter] to focus._::i Press [Shutter] to capture the photo,Extendedfunctions 57