/{ {, { {{ )J>_;::To change the rank of a face, touch 1_3_ Yes, and thendrag the face to a new locationEd!tRanking ...........................................1 2 3 g@_i {4}_/ Touch OR to save your changes• Todeletea facefrom thelist,touch_, touchthe face,andthentouch OR.View filesby category,such as date. face. or filetype.' On the Home screen, touch _.J__:: Touch ALL -_ a category option.ALL ew 81 T le_ew t_esby>e sate>e_ weresaved.[] ew t_esby recognzedracesandtavorltefaces.C_ ew tlesbytlely )e• i_may [aKesome time toythe camera tc ooen Smart s bum, change[he oa_ego% or reorganize tJes- Jtyou de ete a categay, aHf es n the categoly wl be de eted,PlaybacWEditing 88