t_u_hne o ........... 'VH%]uaiCopyright information• Microsoft Windows and the Windows ]ego areregistered trademarks ot the Microsoft Corporation.• Mac is a registered trademark of the Apple Corporation,• HDMI, the HDMI logo and the temT "High DefirlitionMultimedia Interface" are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of HDMI Licensing LL©,• rnicroSD TM and rnicroSDHO TM are registeredtradernarks ot the SD Association.• Trademarks and trade names used in this manual arethe property of their respective owners.• The conter/ts of this manual and the carneraspecifications presented in this rnanual rnay bechanged without prior notice if the camera's functionsare upgraded.• You may not reuse or distribute any part of thisrnanual without prior permission._earn aoou_your cameras ayout cons, at" ] )aslctunctions for shoot ngLXer_uou _ _C O_L_earn nov Tocapture a D/]OTOana recor ] a vlaeo Dy3eecTinga rnoae_earl] now To set TI]e ODIIons In tl]e 1ol7oTo ana vlaec31]OOIrig Tloaes_ecrlT now To pla_ DaOK ©notes, Vlaeos, or Voice-_emo8 a'/a eaK DnoIo8 or vlaeo8,/_8o, earn nc/v tc3onneoT • Dur camera To your oomDuielq D/]OIO Drlrltef4HDT Dr3DTV,Referto ootlc TsTC sontigureyour c ameras ses nc s.Get information about error messages, sF_,eTOaTonsana rn8 rltenal]ee12365884111118